Abit has announced three boards based on Intel's "Bearlake" chipset, also known as P35. All three come with DDR2 memory slots and are supporting future and upcoming 45 nm processors and of course support for FSB 1333. We won't write all the details since P35 chipset and ICH9 has been explained too many times.
The first and the top of the line is IP35 Pro, codenamed "Snake". This one is the most interesting as it comes with solid state capacitors, Abit's SilentOTES cooling, µGuru, on board power and reset switch and back I/O clear CMOS switch. Second in line is IP35 codenamed "Dark Raider". Same as the first one just without those special features like on board power and reset switch, µGuru. Also this board doesn't have eSATA and has comes with crippled SilentOTES since southbridge is not connected via heatpipe.
The last one IP35-E is the budget board, so no SilentOTES, no SATA RAID, no eSATA, no Solid State Capacitors, but the price should be significantly lower. Interesting thing is that Abit decieded that it is not time for DDR3. You can check out more on Abit's webpage.