A study funded by Microsoft claims that Developers do not like the latest draft of the Open Source GPL3.
Most GPL3 exponents will say that Microsoft's study makes this finding because the new GPL3 forbids deals that Redmond has done with the likes of Novel.
The study has been carried out by Harvard Business School professor Alan MacCormack in collaboration with Keystone Strategy, is titled "A Developers Bill of Rights: What Open Source Developers Want in a Software License."
The study by many of the developers surveyed cited displeasure with the patent element of the Novell-Microsoft deal, the use of Digital Rights Management to restrict the use of modified open source software, or the enforcement of software patents, they did not believe it was the place of the GPLv3 or other licenses to prevent such deals or resolve such issues," MacCormack said.
Developers were "significantly under-represented in the discussion over GPLv3, the report said.
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