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Latest Apple’s new smart watch rumours

by on04 February 2014

Vapourware might still happen

The fruit themed cargo cult Apple apparently has not given up on its idea for a smartwatch, despite the fact that all its rivals have them, with mixed success. Jobs’ Mob is understood to have had a prototype out for ages, but had been reluctant, or slow, to release it.

Now it seems that Apple’s new toy will have heavy focus on health and fitness, but there might also be a way to charge the wearable without plugging it in. The rumour comes from the New York Times which has long since sacrificed its credibility to become Apple’s unpaid press office, however it normally means that rumours about Jobs’ Mob are true.

Unfortunately, it looks like Apple is a long way behind its rivals when it comes to the technology. Inductive charging came in a wave of smartphones last year, including Google's Nexus 4 and Nokia's Lumia 920 range. So far it has not been seen in a watch, but it is hardly radical tech. We just point this out in case Apple tries to tell you it is.

Needless to say when the iWatch comes to the stores it will be hyped up, but even Apple cannot claim that it innovative or that much different to its rivals. It is not clear who is actually buying smart watches anyway, it seems a lot of money to spend not to take your phone out of your pocket, and most of the interesting technology is based on making screens bigger and not smaller.

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