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GameStop may have additional PS4s to sell

by on13 November 2013

Will have at least some units to sell launch day

GameStop is apparently will have at least some PlayStation 4 units to sell on launch day beyond the pre-order units that each store has been allocated. While it isn’t clear which stores will have units on the shelf launch day, the retailer is suggesting that those customers who didn’t pre-order check with their local GameStop as to availability.

While retailers are already taking pre-orders for a second wave of PS4 units that are expected before the holiday, Sony has apparently been holding a number of units back so that those without a pre-order still have at least a chance, slim that it might be, to purchase a unit off the shelf on launch day.

It is not clear what kind of additional allocation of units Sony has given to GameStop beyond their pre-order units. It is said that buyers should also check for availability of PS4 units throughout launch day which is November 15th in North America.

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