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Google encrypts internal traffic

by on07 November 2013

Stuffing up the NSA

Search engine Google is encrypting its traffic between its data centres to kill off broad surveillance of its inner workings by the joint National Security Agency-GCHQ program known as MUSCULAR.

The wiretaps accounted for nearly a third of the NSA's daily data intake for its primary intelligence analysis database. Google security team engineer Brandon Downey wrote a post to Google+ indicated that Google was not impressed with the spook’s antics. He wrote "Fuck these guys."

The traffic shown in the slides is now all encrypted and the work the NSA/GCHQ staff did on understanding it, is now ruined. Google did not reveal how the traffic was being encrypted. But Google has been making an effort to encrypt its intra-data centre traffic for over a year as it strove to deal with potential surveillance.

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