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Finnish coppers raid home of 9-year-old pirate
Seize her Winnie the Pooh laptop as evidence
The older ones among us might remember a simpler time, a time when police arrested criminals and firefighters tended to fight fires rather than burn books. Welcome to the world of Big Content, Finnish style.
Earlier this week Finnish police raided the home of a 9-year-old girl and confiscated her Winnie the Pooh laptop as evidence in a piracy investigation. Surely, this evil child must have committed some sort of unspeakable atrocity.
She did. She tried to download a few of pop songs last year. Apparently the poor kid Googled a couple of songs and unsurprisingly one of the top results was a torrent link on The Pirate Bay. What’s more, the downloads did not even work, so her father took her to the shop and bought her the album.
Finnish anti-piracy group CIAPC sent her dad a brief letter, asking for a €600 settlement on the condition that he signs a non-disclosure agreement. The man refused the generous offer and on Tuesday his home was raided by police, search warrant in tow. Apparently Finnish police managed to solve all other crimes in the country, so going after a 9-year-old kid was on top of their list.
“I got the feeling that there had been people from the mafia demanding money at the door,” the girl’s father explained.
Well not really. Even the mob would not go after a 9-year-old kid with a Winnie the Pooh laptop. We can’t see Lucky Luciano, Bugsy Siegel or Al Capone stooping so low. No, they were career criminals, rather tham human scum with no sense of decency or morality.
More here.