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Apple to add second tactical data center in NC

by on20 July 2012


21,030 square feet of high security Apple-style

Apple is planning to add a second tactical data center to its main data center facility in North Carolina. The “tactical” data center will consist of 11 rooms and 21,030 square feet of high security that will house server clusters.

The new “tactical” facility will not be used to house any employees, but it will have one unisex bathroom. It will also have a “man trap” and an 8-foot high chain link fence to secure the facility. Apple, of course, has no comment on what the facility will be used for or what information might be housed within it.

Apple is also continuing work on a massive renewable energy project that will see the entire facility able to run on 100 percent renewable energy by the end of this year.  Once completed, the new solar array that Apple is planning will be the largest end-user-owned array in the United States.

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