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Having a bad date?
There's an app for that
A new app that provides a rescue call from a bad date has been launched on an online dating site.
The Bad Date Rescue app which has been released by this week, lets users arrange for a call to appear on their smartphone and give them a reason to run if their date is too spotty or fat.
Arvind Mishra, director of product management at eHarmony said there are all sorts of reasons for why people would want to get out of a date. These range from your date being ugly, smelly, foul, obnoxius, predatory, wrong sexual gender, and wrong species. The free app includes several ways to set up a rescue. Users can pick a number from their address book for the call, for example from their mother or a friend. If the person's picture is stored on the app it will appear on the screen when the call comes through.
Scripts are available giving the reason for the call, such as a neighbour calling about a leaky pipe your mum telling you your sister is in husband, or a boss calling you in for an office emergency. Of course if the same date has too many smartphone users reject him, or her, they might start thinking that a carving knife might be a way to improve their life.
The free app can be pre-set before the date to call at a specific time and there is a quick rescue that can be triggered on the spot to ring in a few seconds or minutes.