Angry Appletons to make a stand against Apple
Around the world, would you believe it
It has come to our attention that a group of disgruntled members of the unholy cult of Apple are to gather in front of company HQs in Washington, New York, San Francisco, London, Sydney and Bangalore, where they will protest worker protection strategy.
Namely, the groups will present a petition signed by 250,000 people, clamoring for worker protection strategy in Chinese factories. You may recall that worker protection in Foxconn’s factories mostly revolved around safety nets, which seems to be the best way to keep people from chucking themselves off of buildings.
The signatures were collected on and SumOfUs. Apparenlty, more than 35,000, out of 55,000 petitioners on SumOfUs, use Apple’s product. In fact, 20,000 alone are iPhone users.
Executive director of SumOfUs Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman said that he owns an iPhone and loves it, but that he doesn’t like supporting sweatshops. He added:“The hip, educated market that Apple aspires to corner is largely composed of responsible consumers who don’t want to be complicit in sweatshop labor.”
Indeed, certain reports showed that iPhones are partly built by adolescents working 16 hour days for less than a dollar per hour. Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook said that Apple takes these things seriously, but let’s not pretend that it’s down to someone’s good heart – it’s the image and the dough that matters in the end.
Petitioners claim they want specific action and detailed worker protection strategy for new releases. It is said that most of these suicides occur exactly at that time, due to immense pressures to get things done in time.
And the planet rejoiced in this act of good will. Well fine then, that covers iPhones - now how about clothes, footwear, vehicles, weapons and the rest?
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