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Apple most innovative company
Business Week declares
Business Week has again named Apple as the world's most innovative company.The list was compiled by surveying 1500 "Senior Management" at the Business Week market Advisory Board.
While Business Week is famous for coming up with such lists, it has not actually defined what it finds innovative about Apple.It says that the iPod creator is a master of superb product, store, and experience design and gives an example of Post-It notes.
Business Week has named Apple as the world's greatest innovator for the last three years which is a bit odd particularly when it has not actually come up with much in the way of anything really new.
Google, which has been raining new ideas down, ranging from Google Earth, online web services etc, is Apple's runner up.
The survey also does mention that Business leaders are innovation jaded at the moment, so maybe they couldn't be bothered filling in the form properly.
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