David Pitchford of Florida has decided that WikiLeaks and its owner Julian Assange have caused him significant amount of emotional “destress” and decided to sue them for $150 million. We hope he will use some of the cash to pay for a few English lessons.
In the submitted document whose "style" just oozes professionalism, Pitchford said that release of sensitive documents has caused worsening of his "hyper tension", depression and stress. He further said that he’s in constant fear of suffering another heart attack and stroke for belief that the world is on the brink of Nucliar (sic) war.
While we would normally suggest Pitchford simply to not watch the news, or try to learn to spell for that matter, it is probably unreasonable to ask for such isolation from media or exposure to education. On the other hand, yours truly blows his top whenever he sees the great unwashed act as Mother Theresas for shedding a tear on national TV for whatever idiotic reason possible. Needles to say, I’ve never sued Oprah.
More here where you can find the document in full, just don't make too much fun of them, you might cause Pitchford additional emotional "destress" or even trigger a "nucliar" holocaust.