EVGA updated its GTX 680 Superclocked card with Signatre 2 cooler and jacked up the GPU clock, resulting in a new card, the GTX 680 Superclocked Signature 2. EVGA currently offers a total of 12 different GTX 680 cards, catering to a wide range of needs. The Signature 2 aims to address the need for a very quiet card.
The cooler is practically inaudible in idle, but even when the card is operating under heavy load, it tends to stay on the quiet side of things.
The only downside is the lack of additional overlocking potential. With a 30MHz GPU overclock and a 150MHz memory boost, we didn’t break any records, but the real world results are already good enough. Bear in mind that the GPU is factory overclocked by 92MHz, while the memory clock was upped by 50MHz. Memory overclocking is not very popular among Nvidia AIBs nowadays, so we applaud EVGA’s decision to go for a slight factory overclock.
The Signature 2 cooler can deliver lower noise emissions even on a demanding card such as the GTX 680. The card is widely available and in case if you want an overclocked and quiet GTX 680 we can recommend it. Currently the GTX 680 SC SIG 2 card is listed for about €443 and that is some €30 more that EVGA asks for the GTX 680 SC. It's not a huge premium, but we still feel that it could have been somewhat cheaper.