XFX Radeon HD 7770 Black Super OC Edition is a great card in any respect. XFX overclocked its HD 7770 Black Super OC to 1120MHz for the GPU, whereas the GPU reference clocks stand at 1000MHz.
The only thing where this card doesn't do to well is the price. We won't blame XFX for the $179 price tag, since it is our opinion that its Black Super OC is worth the extra $20. In our eyes, it is AMD who went a bit overboard with its pricing.
Thankfully, the AMD still has time to play around with price corrections, since it has a solid offer of older $100-200 cards. Reference HD 6850s go for about $135 and they're quicker than the reference HD 7770. Luckily, XFX weaved some of its magic and put some punch into its HD 7770 Black Super OC, which is slightly faster than the HD 6850.
XFX's HD 7770 Black Super OC comes with dual slot cooling with twin fans. The cooler does its job very well without being noisy. Despite the factory overclock, the card's power envelope remained at reference values. In other words, this is a card that boasts one of the best consumption-per-watt ratios.
Playing on 1680x1050 is ideal for this graphics card, although 1920x1080 is possible as well, of course - depending on the game.
As we already said, the main issue at the moment is pricing, something that plagued the previous AMD's series. In fact, replacing the HD 6850 with HD 7770 doesn't make much sense since the card doesn't offer a better bang per buck. However, XFX wouldn't stand for that and its HD 7770 Black Super OC Double Dissipation brings excellent design, a high factory overclock and better tessellation performance than the HD 6850. With that in mind, we'd recommend this card to any user who's looking for a new graphics card and if you are, overlooking XFX's HD 7770 Black Super OC Double Dissipation would definitely be unwise.