Published in Reviews

Corsair DDR3 1600MHz Triple Kit tested

by on19 January 2009



The benches are the usual stuff, so we need not to explain them to you. The most astounding thing happened while testing the Qimonda memory. We were able to clock it to 1600MHz, of course with relaxed timings. The only drawback was, it was able to work stable with hyperthreading disabled, but the only bench were it would matter is FarCry2. This game does not show any advantages if you enable hyperthreading. As usual the x264 bench will suffer with hyperthreading enabled, so it's disabled by default. Please note the Corsair memory is always  running with faster timings compared to Qimonda, so this comparison is a bit unfair, but as you can see, the numbers are very similar.


Last modified on 19 January 2009
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