Just an hour ago Vienna was hit with the worst wind and storm that I've seen in years. By pure coincidence the UPS chap delivered a new Corsair USB 8 GB stick in a massive aluminium case called Survivor to our doors just hours before the storm.
The massive 8GB nicely designed memory stick just had its first big test. It had to survive this storm that actually was tearing some branches in the nearby tree.
We put the Corsair Survivor at the terrace in the middle of this mess and picked it up some hour later when all was going quiet. The USB stick was wet, we wiped it and plugged it in our computer.
Guess what, it works. So we finished the first test, probably the most important one, this is the one USB you want to take to mountain, combat or scuba diving as it can survive up to 200 meters. More with real numbers soon but this is a great survivor.
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Corsair's USB survives storm in Vienna

Preview: The real 8 GB survivor