EU having another crack at Apple
Violating anti-geoblocking rules
The fruity-cargo cult Apple is again finding itself in trouble with the European Union over its geo-blocking antics.

Apple wants Trump to protect it from EU bullies
Cook calls him to make him promise to protect Apple's lunch money
Former US president Donald Trump claims that Apple CEO Tim Cook called him to get the EU to stop picking on the poor little cargo cult.

Apple Boss rakes in millions
Tim Cook trousers $63 million despite slashing his pay target by 40 per cent
Apple boss Tim Cook has bagged a whopping $63 million in 2023, even though he had cut his pay target by 40 per cent from the previous year.

Tim Cook thinks people use smartphones too much
They wear out you know
Popular beat combo singer Dua Lipa had a “revealing” interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook in which he revealed that he thought that people were using their smartphones too much.

Tim Cook tries to whip the Apple press to push AR and VR
Even if his company’s forthcoming project more doomed than the Titanic
Apple supremo Tim Cook is trying to encourage positive stories about his outfit’s AR and VR gear before its launch on 5 June.

Apple admits it uses Sony image sensors
Just in case that kept you up all night
Apple traditionally does not say what components it slaps under the bonnet of its iPhone cash cow, so the Tame Apple Press was surprised that its CEO Tim Cook revealed on a trip to Japan that it uses Sony image sensors.

Lawyers claim Apple chose esthetics over safety
A load of bollards in Massachusetts car crash
Fruity cargo cult Apple has been sued over the crash at the Apple Store in Hingham, Massachusetts, because it failed to prevent it happening.

Apple’s China Crisis
When your entire company depends on countries getting along
Fruity cargo cult Apple is in hot water because its CEO Tim Cook cut costs by depending on a Chinese supply chain.

Tim Cook orders law makers to leave his lucrative app store alone
If you make us face the music, user-privacy will suffer
Fruit and nutty cargo-cult supremo Tim Cook told politicians to stop bringing anti-trust charges against his app-store.

Tim Cook faces shareholder revolt
We are paying him too much
Proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) urged Apple investors to vote against Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook's remuneration, citing concerns around the magnitude and structure of his equity award.