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Imagination revolts against Apple overlords
Published in Graphics

You still need us and we will sue you to prove it

Apple’s attempts to strong arm its suppliers by cutting off their money supply unless they give it huge discounts is starting to get some kick-back from its suppliers.

Imagination a case study of Apple dependence
Published in Graphics

Comment: Partners should be warned

Imagination Technologies, the UK-based chipmaker, lost 70 percent of its market share overnight and it really only has itself to blame.

Imagination releases new PowerVR Furian
Published in Graphics
Friday, 10 March 2017 11:24

Imagination releases new PowerVR Furian

New GPU architecture

Imagination Technologies has lifted the kimono on its next-generation PowerVR Furian architecture, which it is billing as an entirely new GPU architecture designed for the evolved graphics and compute needs of next-generation consumer devices.

Apple says it does not need Imagination
Published in Graphics
Wednesday, 23 March 2016 11:44

Apple says it does not need Imagination

Kicked the tires, not interested

Fruity cargo cult Apple has decided that it does not need any Imagination.

Apple set to buy Imagination
Published in News
Tuesday, 22 March 2016 12:02

Apple set to buy Imagination

Apparently it has a shortage

The Dark Satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn that claims the Fruity Cargo Cult Apple is about to write a cheque for the British chip design company Imagination Technologies.

AMD has not given up on mobile GPU
Published in Graphics
Friday, 18 March 2016 13:09

AMD has not given up on mobile GPU

But only in the right circumstances

Raja Koduri, senior vice president and chief architect of AMD's Radeon Technologies Group has said that the outift is open to making a graphics processor for mobile devices but only in select circumstances.

Imagination cuts more jobs
Published in PC Hardware
Thursday, 17 March 2016 10:50

Imagination cuts more jobs

The cost of being an Apple supplier

Imagination technology, which has the misfortune of being an Apple supplier is in a bit of trouble now that the fruity cargo cult is not doing so well.

Imagination shows off new PowerVR graphics chips
Published in Graphics

High performance low cost GPUs

Imagination has been showing off its new generation of PowerVR graphics chips.The chips are targeted at high-performance, low-power, and low-cost consumer devices and stick GPUs into low-cost portable devices and 4K televisions.

Imagination fires CEO
Published in News
Monday, 08 February 2016 14:22

Imagination fires CEO

Another Apple partner suffering 

Imagination Technologies has fired its CEO as it heads for its second year of losses.

Imagination comes up with new IoT development board
Published in Transportation

Creator Ci40 for smart home hubs, robots and other connected devices

Imagination Technologies close to releasing its new development board to help hardware designers connect smart devices to the Internet.