Cisco buys Open DNS
Will the spooks get control of your DNS server?
The networking company, which was turned over by the US spooks using backdoors, has just written a cheque for an outfit which provides alternative DNS servers for its users.

Blackberry still can't get juiced up
Revenue falling
BlackBerry is still a long way from being out of the woods. The outfit reported worse-than-expected first-quarter financial results as phone sales continued their long slide.

Internet of Things growing
IoT reached 10.3 million devices
Beancounters at Berg Insight have counted out all the installed base of wireless IoT devices in industrial automation and claim it reached 10.3 million in 2014.

How I executed the networking white box market
by Cisco's John Chambers
Cisco's soon to retire CEO John Chambers has been taking stock in his years at the helm of the networking giant, and is claiming a killing off the white box market under his rule.

Malware designed to kill user's machine
Stops the cops
Security expets have new malware that takes extraordinary measures to evade detection and analysis, destroying deleting all hard drive data and rendering a computer inoperable.
Internet of things will need 400 zettabytes
Cisco adds up the numbers
EMC buys more VCE
Cisco was the seller
Cisco still in trouble
Cuts 6,000 jobs
Cisco gets UK government certification
We don’t care about US spies
Cisco comes out against net-neutrality
Not all bits are born the same