Published in PC Hardware

AMD chipping away at Chipzilla's market share

by on15 May 2024

New research proves it

Mercury Research boffins have been adding up some numbers provided by AMD and concluded that Team Red is chipping away at Intel’s market share.

According to the number crunchers  x86 client shipments have increased by 3.6 per cent year-on-year. They've jumped from 17 per cent to 20.6 per cent. Intel's still out in front, but they're sweating as they try to hit their money targets.

AMD's making waves in the server market, thanks to their 4th Gen Epyc processors flying off the shelves. They've bagged an extra 5.6 per cent over the year, which gives them 23.6 per cent of the server market pie. And get this – their revenue share's hit 33 per cent, a record for AMD, showing they're selling the pricey stuff like hotcakes.

Over in desktop land, AMD's snagged another 4.7 per cent over the year, nabbing a 23.9 per cent slice of the desktop x86 market. Those Ryzen 8000-series APUs that are stirring things up. AMD's desktop revenue share is up to 19.2 per cent from 15.4 per cent last year – that's a tidy bump of 3.8 per cent.

Laptops are still a tough nut to crack. AMD's share there's gone from 16.2 per cent in Q1 2023 to 19.3 per cent in Q1 2024. It's a solid jump, but still lagging desktops and servers. The real eye-opener is their revenue share leap to 14.9 per cent from 10.9 per cent last year.

That 19.3 per cent share's actually a bit of a dip from Q4 2023's 20.3 per cent, probably because Intel's Meteor Lake CPUs are causing a stir. But AMD's saying their Ryzen 8040 notebook chip sales have doubled in the past year, so they're not too fussed.

AMD's looking pretty chipper with these figures. Intel must be a bit worried, especially with AMD's server CPU market share creeping up. Intel's scratching their heads for a quick comeback to AMD's beefy core counts and nifty power-saving tricks. 

Last modified on 15 May 2024
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