Published in PC Hardware

Intel's Foundry looks good says Nvidia

by on31 May 2023

Might want to use it instead of TSMC

Nvidia CEO, Jen-Hsun Huang said he is open to using Intel Foundry Services to manufacture future GPUs, because it's seen the results of some test chips the company has produced on a future process node and they're looking good.

At a Computex Q&A around the company's keynote at the Taipei trade show, Huang, was asked about whether it qualifies chips with any other foundry outside of TSMC. The response was maybe surprising, but the fact that Nvidia is potentially considering using Intel's own fabs to create its GPUs is certainly interesting.

It is unclear what process he was talking about but Intel has already got Amazon and Qualcomm signed up to use its 20A process, so Nvidia joining in is good news for Chipzilla.

Intel's relaunched Foundry Services (IFS) is aimed at rivalling TSMC as a US-based contract semiconductor manufacturer that will fashion silicon into chips using its advanced lithography and packaging technologies. However, it is unclear how Chipzilla can compete with TSMC on price. It is unlikely to have significant tech breakthroughs that would make it a TSMC rival, so it must be done through discounts.

TSMC reportedly upping the prices its charging customers so it is possible that Intel is making its chips at a discount. 

Cynics might also think that Huang telling a Taiwan conference that it is "seeing other chipmakers"  might make TSMC a little more friendly when it comes to renegotiating future contracts.


Last modified on 31 May 2023
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