Published in PC Hardware

Skylake shortage

by on17 August 2015

Intel knocks in an own goal

While Chipzilla was banking on its Skylake chip to sort out its bottom line, it appears that it forgot to make nearly enough.

Intel's sixth-generation Skylake processors are facing a global shortage, with several retailers warning users of limited availability of the CPUs. It doesn't seem to affect just the CPUs with unlocked multiplier, as even mobile SKUs are also in short supply.

Asus even moaned about the shortage of Skylake in its quarterly results,

"In September we are going to produce a lot of 'Skylake' products, but we expect significant shortage of 'Skylake' globally, not just for Asus. That is why in August we have Windows 10, but 'Skylake' only accounts for a very small percentage. In the fourth quarter, 'Skylake' will take a higher percentage..... is in significant shortage right now in the third quarter."

Intel has admitted that it was "experiencing supply tightness" due to strong demand and expect additional volume to be available as Q3 progresses.

This will be sorted out over the course of the quarter as Intel increases production, but you have to wonder why Intel did not sort this problem out. It is not like Apple, which can use shortages to give an indication of popularity, it needs as many sales as it can get.

This means that there is going to be a huge lag for product getting into the market. If Intel was to significantly increase production of Skylake next month, it would be four to five weeks until we see the hardware reaching store shelves. Which means the first Skylake-based notebooks may not be available up until November.

This is cutting it rather fine for the Christmas sales.

It is possible that Intel is delaying the launch in order to give retailers the ability to clear inventory of last-generation CPUs, but that strikes us as seriously stupid.

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