Published in PC Hardware

Intel President Rene James leaves company

by on03 July 2015

Herman Eul and Michael A. Bell, two key mobile, guys too

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich took over from Paul Otellini back in May 2013, and since then Brian was leading Intel together with Intel President Rene James. 

It comes like a big surprise that Rene James will be stepping down as President of Intel to pursue an external CEO role. Obviously she got a better offer from someone else and we will probably learn more about her future in the next few months. The resignation was announced today and she will stay in office until January to ease the executive transition.

Rene was helping Krzanich lead Intel, as their fraction won against David Dadi Perlmutter who was also running for CEO. Since Dadi lost to Krzanich, he chose to look for a job elsewhere.

The second to depart is Arvind Sodhani, President of Intel Capital, who will retire in January after a distinguished 35-year career with the company. Obviously he made enough money, since he has been with Intel since 1981, and it is time for him to take some time off and go fishing in his cabin.

Key Mobile executive Herman Eul leaves too

Intel's Prof. Dr. Herman Eul, Corporate Vice President General Manager, Mobile and Communications Group, is also leading the company after the transition period.

Another big name that will look for job elsewhere is the Michael A. Bell Corporate, Vice President and General Manager, New Devices Group. We don't want to comment if these two guys performed well, but in case they were in charge for mobile phone group, they didn’t exactly grow this business to make a significant impact on Intel's revenues.

Aicha Evans and Josh Walden got promoted

One door closes for other to open, and this is good news for Aicha Evans, General Manager of Intel Communication and Devices Group, as she has been elevated to the company's Management Committee. This sounds like a promotion, but we don’t know enough about how Intel looks from the Management Committee standpoint to make any further comments.

Josh Walden, General Manager of Intel's New Technology Group, now leads all product and research teams that create and deploy new technology categories, such as interactive computing devices, perceptual computing and wearable devices. He is responsible for expanding the power of Moore's Law into entirely new categories.

Obviously someone at Intel thinks that his group did a good job. The Internet of Things is still in diapers and we are not sure that Intel's Computex demo of a hot girl wearing an exoskeleton powered with Intel chips is a product people will want to buy. This exoskeleton could stretch its spider arms if you get too close. This was the best that IoT group had to show after billions spent on R&D. It doesn't exactly looks comfortable or very useful for that matter. 


We wish Rene, Mike and Herman all the best, and we would not be surprised to see their names in some other chip company.

Last modified on 03 July 2015
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