The new chips will mean much thinner tablets and mobile PCs which will make Apple's Air look decidely portly. Intel's Core M chips, introduced last year, are based on the Broadwell but the Skylake chips should also improve graphics and general application performance .
The Skylake chips will be able to run Windows 10, as well as Google's Chrome and Android OSes, Krzanich said. But most existing Core M systems run Windows 8.1, and Intel has said device makers haven't shown a lot of interest in other OSes. So most Skylake devices will probably run Windows 10. Chipzilla is expected to give more details about the new Core M chips in June at the Computex trade show in Taipei.
Skylake systems will also support the second generation of Intel's RealSense 3D camera technology, which uses a depth sensor to create 3D scans of objects, and which can also be used for gesture and facial recognition. The hope is that the combination of Skylake and a new Windows operating system will give the PC industry a much needed boost.
In related news, Intel announced that socketed Broadwell processors will be available in time for Windows 10.