The new Intel Quark SoC X1000 product family is integrated with features such as error-correcting code (ECC) for security enhancement, and also designed to withstand industrial temperature ranges. The Quark processor core is a 32-bit, single core, single-thread, Intel Pentium instruction set architecture (ISA) compatible CPU operating at speeds up to 400MHz.
Intel Atom processor E3800 product family has improved media and graphics performance, ECC, industrial temperature range, integrated security and integrated image signal processing. This product family targeted for digital signage applications such as interactive kiosks, intelligent vending, ATMs and point-of-sale terminals as well as portable medical devices and in-vehicle infotainment systems.
Intel is offering pre-validated hardware and software, including McAfee Embedded Control and the Wind River Intelligent Device Platform for developing intelligent Gateway systems. The first set of intelligent gateway solutions based on Intel Quark SoC X1000 and Intel Atom processor E3800 product family will be in the shops in the first quarter of 2014.