Intel makes a lot of money off business users and aims to get their attention with the Shark Bay platform, which features Intel vPro processors. This won't simply be a notebook with a different brand, it will have some nice features such as Wireless display 4.1 for business with secure conference room support, Indoor LBS for business that brings the asset tracking, Intel SSD PRO with encryption management with Intel SSDs, Intel SCS 9 with enhanced platform setup and configuration.
The list goes on and includes Intel small business advantage 2.0 and 2.1 features, enhanced KVM support with 2560x1600 display resumption support, TSX-NI performance acceleration for big data and business intelligence applications, VMCS better user experience in virtualized environments that allows multiple simultaneous VMM´s and Intel connect centre, formally known as MyWiFi that lets you securely share files and screen with a peer without using a hotspot in or outside of enterprise.
Some of these features should be hitting the new generation of business oriented notebooks that are expected in Q3 2013, so pretty much now.