Snapdragon 800 has even more power, the number mentioned was 40 percent better performance compared to the Snapdragon 600. It should show up in the second half of 2013, probably mid-year, so we could see some Qualcomm 800 devices this summer.
Snapdragon 800 aims at smartphones, tablets as well as computers and we found the fact that we can expect some smart TV sets based on this chip very interesting. Not only can the Snapdragon 800 support Ultra HD, 4K resolution playback, but it can also record it. Since TVs are the only devices to date to actually feature 4K support, Snapdragon 800 becomes an obvious choice, at least in ultra high end gear.
The presence or 802.11ac 5G internet makes its case even stronger for phones, tablets, computers (convertibles and the like) as well as TV sets. We also heard that there are more than 50 design wins for Snapdragon 600 and 800. The only phone announced with Snapdragon 800 so far is ZTE’s Grand Memo.
Tim McDonough mentioned that a big part of the success of Snapdragon 600 and the soon to launch 800 is Qualcomm’s ability to execute and not overpromise things that they cannot deliver. Snapdragon 600 was right on time to meet the important Android phone launches and this is one of the reasons why it won the hearts of many developers.
Let’s not forget that Qualcomm still leads in LTE integrated support and that it is the first company to offer Cat 4 LTE that offers speeds all the way to 150Mbits per second. Overall this is looking like a very good year for Qualcomm.