Qualcomm chief marketing officer Anand Chandrasekher told Forbes that Snapdragon chips are faster than Tegras, plain and simple. He pointed out that the S4 is faster than the Tegra 3, but more importantly upcoming Qualcomm chips will end up faster than Tegra 4.
“Nvidia just launched their Tegra 4, not sure when those will be in the market on a commercial basis, but we believe our Snapdragon 600 outperforms Nvidia’s Tegra 4. And we believe our Snapdragon 800 completely outstrips it and puts a new benchmark in place. So, we clean Tegra 4?s clock. There’s nothing in Tegra 4 that we looked at and that looks interesting. Tegra 4 frankly, looks a lot like what we already have in S4 Pro,” he said.
Chandrasekher said the perception of superior graphics helped Nvidia for some time and allowed the green team to get some tablet wins, but things are about to change. “Empirically, we completely beat them on graphics performance!” he said.
We wonder where Qualcomm got its graphics mojo…