AMD's price cuts now official
A-Series APUs and FX-series CPUs cut down
AMD has now officially released a new price list that confirms price cuts across the range, including A-Series APUs and some FX-Series CPUs.
The FX-Series price cuts include the FX-8150 and FX-6200 as well as FX-8120 and FX-6100 CPUs. The FX-8150 got dropped from US $245 to US $205 while the slower FX-8120 got slashed from US $185 to US $165. This translates to a price drop of 16.3 and 10.8 percent. The FX-6200 got slashed from US $165 to US $155 or 6.1 percent, while the FX-6100 will now sell at US $135, a 6.9 percent slash from US $145.
In addition to the FX-Series CPUs, that were most likely slashed in the wake of Intel's Ivy Bridge CPUs, AMD has also slashed prices across its A-Series APU range. The A-Series were most likely slashed in order to prepare the market for AMD's upcoming Trinity APUs. The most noticeable drop was on quad-core A8-3850 APU that is slashed from US $135 to US $105 or a whopping 22.2 percent. The flagship A8-3870K got slashed from US $135 down to US $115 while the rest of the lineup got an average of US $10 cut.
You can check out the entire lineup ove at