Published in PC Hardware

Radeon HD 7000 uses GDDR 5

by on30 November 2011

No XDR2 memory

Our sources have opened their knowledgeable mouth and they said a simple but rather important thing.

XDR2 memory support is off the tablet for AMD’s next generation graphics cards, and Radon HD 7000 will stick to GDDR5 memory.

The technology that was developed by Rambus might find its place in some future consoles, but not with the current graphics card line, we were told.  It looks like GDDR5 should be sufficient for new cards, we believe a 256-bit memory will be the interface of choice for most cards, but we would not exclude 512-bit for some high end versions.

This is the part we still don’t know for sure so please take it with a grain of salt.
Samples for press of Radeon HD 7000 cards should go out in December, while the official availability is expected for some point in January.

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