Published in PC Hardware

Intel winds down Digital Home Group

by on11 October 2011


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Atom based consumer electronics not worthy

Intel's Digital Home Group (DHG) which makes consumer electronics versions of the Atom SoC family is about to be shut down.

The unit has bought us the Boxee Box and Google TV, which were based on the Intel DHG's CE4100 Atom SoC. Chipzilla told us at the time its Atom CE line would rule the world, or at least a small part of it, but it looks like its cunning plan has changed.

Chipzilla is shutting the DHG, although it will continue to focus on CE applications of its SoCs. The plan is now to focus exclusively on the IP set-top media processor and gateway/cable businesses. The Digital TV processor business is the main casualty.

Those working in the department have been pushed into the newly formed tablet section, which Intel has finally worked out will be very important, once people work out what to use a tablet for.

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