Published in PC Hardware

Nvidia talks up upcoming Kal-El quad-core

by on30 May 2011

Preview looks quite promising
Nvidia is shedding more light on its upcoming quad-core Tegra processor, codenamed Kal-El.

The company posted a new demo dubbed Glowball, which proudly shows off Kal-El’s graphics performance. The demo features some rather interesting dynamic lighting effects, along with some rudimentary physics simulation, courtesy of the CPU.

Kal-El features 12 graphics cores and Nvidia claims it is the first truly mobile processor to offer such a level of graphics performance, allowing users to enjoy an unprecedented level of eye candy on mobile devices.

Of course, Kal-El and quad-core ARM processor from other manufacturers are still months away, but the demo shows what the new processors can and will do once they find their way to tablets and smartphones.

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