The list includes two eight-core parts, which were already leaked some time ago. The FX-8130P is a 3.8GHz part and it can overclock to 4.2GHz on turbo. It has a TDP of 125W and should sell for $320. The FX-8110 also packs eight cores and it’s clocked at 3.6GHz sans turbo, or 4.0GHz with turbo. The TDP stands at 95W and the price is $290.
In the six-core department, the FX-6110 will feature a 95W TDP and an MSRP of $240, but there is no word on clocks yet. The same goes for the quad-core FX-4110, with a 95W TDP and $190 price.
In any case, the prices look very competitive compared to Intel’s high end parts and Bulldozer should be on a par with current high-end Intel Core series parts.
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