According to Donanimhaber, AMD’s top mobile processor for 2011 will be the Fusion A8-3530MX, a 32nm quad-core with a base clock of 1.9GHz. With Turbo, the new processor can hit 2.6GHz and it features HD 6620G graphics. At 444MHz the graphics core might not seem very fast, considering that the HD 6310 used in Brazos processors runs at 500MHz, it is worth noting that the 6620G packs 400 shaders, while the 6310 has just 80.
The A8-3530MX will use AMD’s new FS1 package and its TDP is 45W, which is pretty much the norm for high-end mobile processors. The new processor will support DDR3 up to 1600MHz and it will be available with A60M and A70M chipsets, which are very similar, but the latter offers USB 3.0 connectivity.
Things are looking quite good for AMD and we are in for a very eventful summer. The only complaint we could think of has nothing to do with Llano itself, but rather with AMD’s new tongue-twisting naming scheme, which reminds us of Intel.
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