Mind you, AMD has a lot riding on the Bulldozer, as it is a completely new architecture, the first in quite a few years for AMD. We are still not sure whether AMD will show off the new part to the general public or just a select few partners and hacks.
The module-based Bulldozer architecture should deliver impressive performance and more flexibility than AMD's current cores. According to AMD, the new processors should outpace its current six-core Thuban parts by about 50 percent. This would put the Bulldozer on a par with Intel's high-end Gulftowns.
AMD is also promising to deliver next generation Turbo technology on Bulldozer server parts. Dubbed Turbo Core Dynamic Acceleration, the new technology should allow intelligent automatic overclocking on all cores, greatly improving performance over its current Turbo Core technology.
In case you forgot, this year's CeBit takes place in Hannover between March 1 and 5. Clearly it will be quite an eventful show for AMD, with new CPUs, Fusion APUs and the Antilles dual-GPU graphics card.