Intel indeed has a lot of plans that include tablets in 2011 and onwards.
The chipmaker didn’t take this category serious enough until it became apparent that Apple's iPad is the next big thing and that Google is getting very serious about Android 3.0 for tablets.
Intel gets it now, and it has Oak Trail, a single core 3W TDP Atom almost ready for tablets. According to its current plans, it will introduce first devices in March 2011. Let me remind you that 3W TDP is enough for a fan-less device.
Atom Z670 is the processor's name and it runs at 1.5GHz with a single core and two threads. It has 512KB of cache.
As we said in a separate part, Android in MeeGo tablets based on Oak Trail are planned for the latter half of 2011, post-Computex is a good bet. It's worth noting that AMD has spiced things up with its showcase of a 5W Fusion part based on the Ontario core.
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PC Hardware
Oak Trail Z670 tablets in March

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