We had a chance to picture the copper version of the new USB 3.0 cable. The optical version of the cable that Intel's CEO Paul Otelini talked about comes probably after 2008 and for some special market such as high end storage and will likely be expensive.
The normal USB 3.0 cable prototypes are done by who else than Foxconn. This big component giant is working closely with Intel to bring USB 3.0 to life. The first connectors and cables are already done and we had a chance to picture the first USB 3.0 A connector and B connector and we are sure that these won't be the only one.
It is up to chipset and controller
manufactures to add the support for USB 3.0 in their chips and
chipsets, but as we've said earlier even the people from USB 3.0
promotional group believe that USB 3.0 will resurface in late 2008.
Here is how it looks.