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PC Hardware
Overclocked "K" CPUs to get a new cooler
DHX-B cooler rendered
Intel has finally realized that its circular cooler fan is not enough for future overclockers. What happens today is that end users are buying Intel boxed CPUs and throwing Intel's cheap and not so great cooler and replacing it with something better.
This might change in June as with „K“ unlocked version of CPUs Intel prepares a new heat-pipe cooler. The cooler will be screwed to motherboard back plate, but the it will offer six heatpipes that should be enough for quite a bit of overclocking.
The cooler should come in a clean, reflective metal finish and its fan should have at least two speeds, one fore quiet mode operation ad one set for performance.
Since the cooler looks like a high quality part, it will be interesting to see how it goes against Cooler Master, Thermaltake, Zallman, Scythe or some other big names in the world of overclocking. Here is the picture, or should we say the rendered image of Intel's cooler to come.