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PC Hardware
Core i7 970 to ship soon
Core i5 680 and other parts on the way
According to some early listings, Intel's Core i7 970 six-core could ship in a few weeks, probably in early Q3. Intel's second six-core is clocked at 3.2GHz and it should end up somewhat cheaper than the €899 Core i7 980X.
We're not sure about the price, but it seems to be around the €799 mark, which is still quite pricey compared to AMD's upcoming six-core Phenoms. Bear in mind that retailers and distributors aren't the most reliable sources out there, so take this with a grain of salt.
On another note, Intel has launched the Core i5 680, its fastest Clarkdale dual-core to date. At almost €300, it is a bit too pricey for a dual-core, regardless of the high clock. We talked about it back in March, here.
Intel has also introduced the cheap and cheerful Pentium E5500, a 2.8GHz Wolfdale dual-core with an 800MHz. It's already available for around €70. There's also the Pentium E6700, a 3.2GHz Wolfdale with an 1066MHz FSB. It should cost around the €80 mark once it hits retail, probably by the end of the month.