Published in PC Hardware

Core i7 970 to ship soon

by on20 April 2010


Core i5 680 and other parts on the way

to some early listings, Intel's Core i7 970 six-core could ship in a few weeks, probably in early Q3. Intel's second six-core is clocked at 3.2GHz and it should end up somewhat cheaper than the €899 Core i7 980X.

We're not sure about the price, but it seems to be around the €799 mark, which is still quite pricey compared to AMD's upcoming six-core Phenoms. Bear in mind that retailers and distributors aren't the most reliable sources out there, so take this with a grain of salt.

On another note, Intel has launched the Core i5 680, its fastest Clarkdale dual-core to date. At almost €300, it is a bit too pricey for a dual-core, regardless of the high clock. We talked about it back in March, here.

Intel has also introduced the cheap and cheerful Pentium E5500, a 2.8GHz Wolfdale dual-core with an 800MHz. It's already available for around €70. There's also the Pentium E6700, a 3.2GHz Wolfdale with an 1066MHz FSB. It should cost around the €80 mark once it hits retail, probably by the end of the month.
Last modified on 21 April 2010
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