Published in PC Hardware

Phenom II X6 1090T BE benched

by on13 April 2010


Great value for money

benchmarks of AMD's Thuban-based 1090T six-core have popped up on Coolaler's forums, and the results look rather impressive.

The X6 managed to outperform Intel's Core i7 860 in multi-threaded apps, but Intel managed to hold its ground in less threaded applications. Mind you, the 860 is a quad-core processor, but it costs as much as AMD's six-core 1090T. Sadly, the reviewers did not compare the 1090T to Intel's 980X or some similarly priced Core i5 processors.

The bottom line is that the Phenom II X6 1090T sounds like a sweet deal for video editing and 3D, but it's pointless for gamers.

You can check out the results here.
Last modified on 14 April 2010
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