Published in PC Hardware

Core i7 920 to EOL in Q2 2010

by on06 April 2010


Replaced by younger parts

You should know by now that Core i7 920 is getting replaced by slightly the faster Core i7 930. Intel has released its PDN (Product Discontinuance Notice) for this CPU in Q1 2010 and it has informed its partners that official end of life for this CPU is Q2 2010. after that time, Core i7 930 will fully take the place of the fallen CPU.

Core i7 920 works at 2.66GHz and it's a Nehalem-based quad core, while the new Core i7 930 works at 2.88GHz and shares the same rest of the spec.
With Turbo boost, the Core i7 930 can jump over 3GHz, or 3.06GHz to be precise and it will sit in the same price range.

Core i7 940, 950 and 960, all Quad core non extreme CPUs will continue to coexists with six core Westmere CPUs for the rest of 2010.

Last modified on 06 April 2010
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