Published in PC Hardware

AMD readies new 45W Athlon IIs

by on29 March 2010


3GHz Athlon 250e, 2.9GHz 245e

AMD will
soon roll out a couple of new energy efficient dual-core Athlon II X2 processors. The company currently offers two Regor-based parts with a 45W TDP, the 2.8GHz 240e and the 2.7GHz 235e.

The new 250e is clocked at 3GHz, while the 245e runs at 2.9GHz, which sounds nice considering the low TDP. Mind you, it is possible that the CPUs are based on the new C3 stepping, but at press time we are unable to confirm this.

In addition to the Athlons, AMD will also introduce two new single-core Semprons based on the Sargas core. We mentioned these 45W parts a while back. The Sempron 145 is clocked at 2.7GHz and it will be accompanied by the Sempron 180, but we still don't know its exact clock.
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