Intel has revealed to its special few that in Q1 2010 65nm CPUs are still representing quite low 3 percent of its total shipment. This is set to shrink to 2 percent in Q2 and one percent in Q3 and if all goes well Intel's percentage of 65nm will sink below one percent and probably disappear in Q4 2010.
In the mean
time 45nm is at its peak as in Q1 massive 85 percent of CPUs are 45nm and some
12 percent are being manufactured in 32nm. In Q2 the 45nm process shanks to 78
percent while 32nm grows to 20 percent and in Q3 45nm drops further to 71
percent of all CPUs while 32nm jumps to 28 percent, more than two times of what
Intel plans to ship in Q1 2010.
In Q4 Intel
plans to churn out some 65 percent of its CPUs in 45nm, while the remaining 35 percent will be manufactured in 32nm. We are sure
that the number of 32nm CPUs will overtake 45nm by mid-2011.