AMD's first Fusion processor, something that is scheduled to show up in 2011, will support DDR3-1600. By this time, this speed might become a standard and as we said the other day Zambezi Bulldozer process can support up to DDR3-1866.
Llano is a 32nm up-to-quad-core CPU, a part of AMD's Lynx platform
and this platform is set to replace the Dorado platform. It is a 32nm product, one
of the first for AMD, but the bad part of Llano is that it uses a Phenom-based core
which is not the greatest performer, especially when compared to 32nm Intel
Westmere and future 32nm processors that should launch in late 2010.
Llano also supports APM boost technology that sounds to us
like an automatic overclocking feature, aka
turbo, but we cannot confirm this at press time.