As we said before, January 3rd will be a big day for Intel as the company plans to launch many CPUs including the new single core netbook and both dual and single core desktop parts.
Desktop parts branded as Atom D410 for a single core and D510 for a dual core are both clocked at the same, boring 1.66GHz that we’ve seen before and they both still use BGA437 socket based boards.
At this time we don’t see the price of the new Atoms integrated on motherboards but we can tell you that on January 3rd at launch Atom D410 should sell for $43, while dual core Atom D510 should debut for $63.
The price of Atom 330 dual core remains at $43 while single core Atom 230 will continue selling for quite modest $29. Nvidia Ion based nettop / desktop systems will probably end up at least $50 more expensive as this is the overhead that you should pay to get much better graphics.
Also read
New Atom N450 for netbook launch is January