AMD plans to launch its first six core desktop CPU in middle of 2010. This is going to be their answer to Gulftown, Intel’s six core CPU that is supposed to launch in Q2 2010.
We don’t know many details about AMD six core but it looks like that they will rework Istanbul and make it more suitable for Desktop. The big issue for both Intel and AMD will be how to put all six cores in use, as programmers still struggle to use four and in many cases even two cores, but the hope dies last.
AMD’s chip is also in 45nm, which doesn’t help at all, as Intel’s Gulftown is 32nm, which will probably give Intel huge clock and performance advantage. The logic behind is really simple. Both CPUs can aim for 130W TDP and Intel with 32nm and six cores can clock much higher in that power envelope. Apart from the fact you will be cool if you tell your 18 year old friends that you're a proud owner of a six core CPU, we would not expect too much performance out of them.