Intel has informed its trusted partners of its plans to launch the Core i7 mobile generation of Lynnfield quad-core CPUs at IDF, and this is scheduled to start on September 23rd. We are quite sure that they will do it on the first day of the show and the company initially plans to launch three CPUs.
The most expensive is Core i7 Extreme edition i7 920XM and this one works at 2GHz has four cores and eight threads. However, this part will set you back $1,054 and while we acknowledge that it's a high end part, it's still incredibly expensive.
The runner up is Core i7 i7 820QM and this one works at 1.73GHz and will cost two times less - $546 if you buy a thousand units. The last in line is Core i7 720QM with 6MB of cache and 1.6GHz clocks. This CPU will cost you $364.
Other CPUs, mainly dual core Arrandales, will be launched in Q1 2010.