Rick Bergman is the guy who succeeded Dave Orton on the ATI throne. This took place a year after ATI's acquisition and since then, Rick Bergman was taking good care of ATI, or AMD's graphics business if you will.
AMD got both graphics and chipsets to the next level and since he did a good job, AMD has decided to promote him. As of May, Rick will be responsible for „delivering all of AMD’s platforms and products and aligning the graphics and microprocessor product development groups into a single unified organization”. His position is still called Senior Vice president but we wonder what they will write on his business card.
As you can tell from Rick’s title, AMD is moving more into platforms as if you sell the whole platform and not only parts, you can make more money. The equation is simple and AMD can sell CPU, GPU and chipset, which is most of the chips you'll need for any computer. This is one of the key reasons behind the question why AMD acquired ATI in the first place.
Since John Byrne, yet another ex ATI guy did really well and now sells both CPUs and GPUs for AMD, we have to admit that some of ATI guys did really well as they managed to sell ex ATI wisdom and strategies to AMD. The fun part is that these strategies usually work better than the ones AMD previously used.
We wish Mr. Bergman a lot of success and you can get some additional details at AMD's official site here.