Intel told its partners that it plans to launch its fastest Core i7 975 in Q2, but it did not give us anymore details than that. It looks like the official launch will be around June, probably during Computex.
We managed to confirm that Intel is gearing up for a June launch, and along with the Core i7 975 at 3.33GHz, it plans to introduce a less exciting Core i7 950, the one that should replace Core i7 940, which will work at 3.06GHz.
Intel knows that AMD's Phenom II X4 955 at 3.2GHz cannot really compete with Core i7 965, the current Extreme Edition CPU clocked at the same clock speed, and therefore it doesn’t need to rush the introduction of the new Core i7 975 CPU. However, in cheaper segments, we believe that Intel might be losing market share to AMD due to the great price/performance ratio of Phenom IIs.