Published in PC Hardware

Nvidia says Core i7 is a waste of money

by on24 April 2009


Compares it to a truck

technical marketing director Tom Petersen had a go at Intel, after he saw some Intel marketing that claimed a Core i7 920 CPU would boost gaming performance by 80 percent, compared to... something.

Anyway, Petersen says Intel's claim is based on 3DMark Vantage's CPU score alone, and that it makes no sense whatsoever. He says the benchmark "doesn’t actually measure anything about game performance," and claims Intel is being a "little disingenuous."

He then compares a Core i7 based machine with a GTS 250 to a Hummer truck, saying it “has got to be big, and it’s got to be expensive and of course it’s infused with Hafnium, which is kind of a dig at Intel." He goes on to compare the performance of the Hummer PC to a dual-core with a GTS250 SLI setup, dubbed Beamer, which offers more graphics muscle.

Petersen then elaborates how graphics performance is improved by processor upgrades versus graphics upgrades, and obviously it turns out it's much better to get a faster GPU then a CPU.

We're not sure the good people of Bayerische Motor Werke Aktiengesellschaft would use a GTS250 in one of their cars though.

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