Published in PC Hardware

Q8400 has 4MB of memory

by on23 March 2009


2.66GHz launch in Q2

The new Q8400 is nothing more than a Core 2 Quad Q9400 with a bit less cache. The Q8400 has 4MB of cache and a 2.66GHz core clock, while the Q9400 shares the same clock, but has 6MB of cache.

At launch you can expect Q8400 to sell for about €160 and it should launch in Q2 2009. The plan is that Q8400 and Q8300 clocked at 2.5GHz coexist, while in Q3, Q8400 should completely replace the Q8300.

The slowest and cheapest quad core remains Q8200 with a 2.33GHz core clock and a €145 suggested e-tail price.

Last modified on 23 March 2009
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